Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gottfried Helnwein response

The image shows what appears to be a man climbing up the face of a woman.  He is standing on her face with a rope that leads out of the frame.  the image is artistic and was made in photoshop.  I believe the meaning behind the image is the man is making the difficult climb up the face to symbolize the lengths he would go for that person.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Based solely on the photographs she chose to post,what is the image that Jenny is trying to project?...Adventurous? Curious? Brave?   She is portraying herself as a daring, exploring, courageous, adventurous, and outgoing person.

Do you think she was successful?
I think she was successful because the way she organizes her adventures with pictures that show off her daring feats.  She portrays herself as an outgoing, adventurous person online so I believe she has gained success.

Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good neighbor? A good friend?  

Jenny may be a good role model however I do not know enough about Jenny as a person when only presented with her instagram account.  Her adventurous and fun nature would possibly make her a good neighbor or friend.  I cannot determine whether she would be a good mother or not based off social media alone.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Lost in The World Response

What is the general premise of the video?
The general premise of the video was to make a warning and shows a dramatic representation of a society with even more reliance on technology.
Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message?

The video is effective in conveying it's intended message.  It never steers away from the main idea of how smartphones are changing society in negative ways.
Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?

I think this is a cautionary story.  I feel this way because society has been impacted by smartphone usage a lot but it is not quite at the extreme as the video.