Friday, February 28, 2020

Gottfried Helnwein image cont.

This viewpoint changes the interpretation of the image because it looks more clear and natural.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

letter to myself

Dear me,

When you take photo 1, make sure to put effort into the pictures you take.  Take multiple different pictures for every idea you have.  Make sure to research for all of your projects and try to research the tools that you can use in photoshop.  Also make sure put busses on all of your audio tracks in logic pro X.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Importance of Art response

Art classes should be offered in public schools and should not be considered a waste of taxpayer money.  If public school's one main goal is to train students to be functioning members of the workforce, they are doing a poor job.  If the only goal of attending school is to have an average job in the future this would explain why many students drop out of school before they graduate high school. Art classes are the only place where some students feel they know what they are doing.  The career path of an artists should be taken more seriously than it is in a public school environment because this very waste of effort could result in a student thinking a career path as an artist is unrealistic.